Have you ever thought about how you can leave a gift in your Will to the National Jockeys Trust?

If you are creating a Will or updating it, we suggest you consult a lawyer to ensure that your Will is valid and your wishes are expressed correctly.

Types of gifts: Residual gift – whole of estate, whole of the residuary or percentage of the residuary 

The residual of an estate is the value remaining once all taxes, debts and costs have been paid and specific gifts in your Will have been distributed.

After taking care of your family and loved ones, the remainder of your estate can be gifted as a percentage or as a whole of the residual estate.

Residual and percentage gifts maintain their value over time and are less influenced by economic changes.

Specific dollar amount

 This is a set dollar amount chosen by you when drafting your Will. It is best to review your Will frequently, to ensure your intended value is not eroded by inflation over time.

Specific assets (items of value)

You may choose to gift shares or property.

Suggested wording in your Will

 If you are leaving a gift to National Jockeys Trust in your Will, we suggest using the following wording in your Will:

I give to The Trustee for National Jockeys Trust of Norwest Central Unit, 312 / 12 Century CCT, Norwest, Baulkham Hills, New South Wales 2153 (ABN 21 495 206 153) for its general purposes [Choose the appropriate option from the list below]:

 • the whole of my estate

 • [insert number] percentage of my estate

the residue of my estate

 • [insert specific dollar amount or specific assets}

free from all duties, and the receipt of the Trustee or other authorised officer for The Trustee for National Jockeys Trust at the time of my death, shall be full and sufficient discharge for my Executor(s).

If you would like more information about supporting National Jockeys Trust though your Will, you can reach Mark Murnane of Murnane Legal, pro bono consulting lawyer, assisting us with our Gift in Wills program on 0439 106 816 or email mark@murnanelegal.com.au

 There is absolutely no requirement to tell us if you choose to include National Jockeys Trust in your Will. However, by sharing with us your intentions, we can make sure we only contact you with information that is helpful and relevant to you. We also really appreciate being able to thank you for your life-changing gift.